White Papers and Case Studies

A Deeper Look into OK Kosher Certification.
Be sure to subscribe to the QuicKosher newsletter, for the latest white papers and case studies, plus tips for certified companies.
Whether it’s a large corporation seeking to expand in the area of regulatory, a small business or startup seeking to appeal to new markets, or a bulk transport company with a need for kosher maintenance of select tankers, there’s a variety of business types OK Kosher certification can benefit. You may be wondering whether kosher certification is the right fit for your products, branding and target markets. Delve deeper via our white papers and case studies (coming soon!) to learn about the many uses for kosher certification, and how OK Kosher can help you meet your goals.
For now, our first white paper; a timely look at how OK Kosher Certification can be an asset to food and beverage companies in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Responding to New Fears: How to Reassure Safety in the COVID-19 Era.
To find out if OK Kosher certification is right for your business, contact a New Accounts Specialist at (718) 907-9589 / [email protected], or submit an application here: