We were so shocked and saddened by the passing of Rabbi Don Yoel Levy… it was heartbreaking to hear and such a big tragedy to all of klal Yisroel.

Reb Don Yoel was such a giant of a man b’nigleh and b’chassidus. He stood tall and held strongly to his principles. He was the first to trailblazer the path to what is now the highest standard and most trusted Kosher certification in the world.

We were so blessed to really know Rabbi Levy and saw firsthand the tremendous care he showed to the Shluchim and especially their children. From the very first day of establishment of the Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camp, he was our partner and supporter in ensuring the children’s camps’ success. He visited and would speak to the kids, making sure they were happy and having a good time. He was always asking us how the camp and the Rebbe’s young soldiers were doing, and making sure they were receiving the hiskashrus boost they needed.

During his family’s recent visit to the campsite this winter, he told us that the Winter Camp had always held a special place in his heart. We are honored and thankful that he chose to name the annual Winter Camp after his father and daughter Rabbi Berel Levy and Rivka Levy, ע”ה.

When we were in Florida after a medical incident, Rabbi Levy made a special trip to come visit while we were still in the hospital. Rabbi Levy stayed by his bedside to talk for a long time. We have no words for how much we valued his concern and friendship and never forgot his kindness.”

May Hashem end all suffering and may we all merit only simchas from now on, and we should be zoiche to immediately be reunited with all our loved ones with the coming of Moshiach tzidkeinu teikef umiyad mamesh!


Rabbi Gedalia and Rebbetzin Bassie Shemtov are the directors of The Shulchim Office