The OK Symbol
Retail items, when applicable, display classifications next to the OK symbol to alert the consumer of the specific kosher status of the product, i.e. Pareve, Dairy, Dairy Equipment, Meat, Fish or Passover. Pareve product may display either the unaccompanied OK or OK Pareve symbol.
PLEASE NOTE: OK Kosher Certification™ is the exclusive licensee of its federally and internationally registered trademarks for kosher certification. Our rights in this regard are enforced to the fullest extent of the law. The symbol may not be used until a written contract has been executed with OK Kosher Certification.
OK Kosher Certification certificates may be used and distributed by the customer named on the certificate, and anyone that they designate, provided that it is distributed without modification and in accordance with the applicable OK Kosher Certification agreements. The certificate may not be distributed after the termination of the customer’s certification with OK Kosher Certification
We want to remind consumers that products are only endorsed as kosher when bearing the emblem on their labels. Similarly, eating establishments are only certified when displaying a valid kosher certificate. Changes in kosher status may occur unexpectedly as a result of reformulation. Kosher updates appear regularly on our site and in other media.